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Every day, kids across the country are fighting the good fight, battling unfair & difficult diagnoses. Your crop, specifically that unwanted, unnecessary midriff, is transformed into superhero capes for little warriors across local Children’s Hospitals. The capes can be worn proudly where families & friends can write messages of encouragement & love across the threads.


Childhood disease flat-out sucks. There's no other way to say it.  Capes 4 Kiddoz was created to remind little warriors battling unfair & challenging diagnoses that they're the real heros. These capes will grace the backs of each super-kid as they aim to defeat real-life medical villains.  We believe uniforms matter. Whether we're off to work, headed to the gym, or lounging at home -- we suit up for the occasion.  Capes are a universal emblem of inspiration, right action, and incredible strength.  What better center-piece as young champions ride into battle to fight the good fight. We believe tribe matters. Each cape will act as a canvas for friends and family to write messages of love and support, supercharging each hero with encouragement. There's power in words. And even more in numbers. Fly high, little ones.  You have the entire Croppiez army at your back. 

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